Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Working to a brief production blog

Working to a brief is an assignment where we get an external client. We have spoken with Alice Gardner who works at Borough council for making a video on child employment. We have elected Ryan Bartle as our project manager, me as the contact liaison. In this post I will be keeping a production diary for this project.

26th February 2014
Today we held our first production meeting. We discussed what our project will entail and our structure. I was voted the contact liaison and Ryan was voted our project manager. In pre-production research I was given the task of how one would seek help in child employment and what to do if their child or they themselves are mistreated or endangered in their work if they are under the age of 16.

27th February 2014
We officially began our research. I had difficulties through research into seeking help as almost every web page I could find was to help children in other contries. I spent hours searching but by the end of the day I managed to gether about a page and a half of research which provided little help into this area. What I was able to find ou was when a child is employed without an official licence the employer can be fined up to £3,000 per child. They are not allowed to work during school times and can only work 2 hours a day max depending on their age. If they are around the age of 14 or 15 they can work for 4 hours a day. If you are being mistreated in the workplace whn a child then there are people trained to help you on that areas council.

3rd March 2014
We had a successful meeting with our main contact Alice Gardner. A few of us had shown up a few minutes late due to a member of the group was unable to read the map we printed out and we got lost. During the meeting we told Alice our idea and structure by the end of it we had more of a solid idea for what we wanted in this film and how we will present it.

13th March 2014
We filmed the first of our Vox Pops. We made sure to get a range of gender, age and ethnicity and got a lot of material to wirk with because of that.

19th March 2014
Me and Jordan organised the folder. Split the paperwork into sections and made covers for each topic. For example "Research" and "Script(s)."

29th March 2014
Me, Jordan and Isaak went to Preston Park to film the historical reconstruction. However our 2 actors could not make. This was due to our presentor Jack Harrison did not change his work schedual as promised and our young actor Olie had a class on that morning. We agreed to leave because we couldn't film and bagan to arange we return next week.

2nd April 2014
We filmed part of the Modern reconstruction. It was Jordan, Leah and Isaak filming and I was playing Jim. We got most of my parts complete and now just need my final scene when I ride off as the presenter says the conclusion.

5th April 2014
We went back to Preston. This time it was just me and Jordan. Olie again wasn't there, but we improvised with several of the others in the acting class there and were able to film the whol historical reconstruction.

13th May 2014
We had to put the Working to a brief project on hold for several weeks so we could all work on our PMP productions. So today we got our presenter Fracesca in to record all the voiceovers and were able to have that complete and edited into our footage within an hour.

15th May 2014
This was supposed to be the final day, but because one of our actresses only had a limited amount of time to film, the project was not quite finished. Overall we have one sequence left to shoot which we will be able to complete come Monday. There was problem with equipment as we had taken the wrong camera which was broken. This held the production up by roughly a half hour.

19th May 2014
We have finally finished shooting our Child Employment Film. All that we needed to shoot was the concluding presented sequence, in which our actress Francesca Firman concluded the points made throughout the film. We shot the sequence in front of a green screen and intend on superimposing a background in post production. The scene went well; I operated the camera, Shemar Chawla recorded sound and Ryan Bartle directed.

Post Production
To ensure the project remained a team effort, we shared the pre-production between three crew members, who each edited individual segments of the film. I edited the vox pops and interviews, as well as the final presented sequence, Isaak Hest edited the modern reconstruction and Dale Whyte edited the historical reconstruction. Once completed, I took each of these segments and laid them on a new timeline in Adobe Premier Pro CS6. I exported them and gave a copy to Isaak Hest, who burned the files on disk using Adobe Encore.

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